Though it has caused a serious case of 'All the gear, and no idea'.
I have spent to my hearts content, accumulating a mixture of bits and bobs i feel are necessary for my season, the latest purchase being a brand new pair of Oakley goggles (best. purchase. ever).
Snap chat courtesy of my dad. |
Whilst getting saddened about my current bank account status (though my worries have been half uplifted by getting paid last Friday), I started to think that budgeting on ski equipment is a feat the best of us could not succeed at. Anyway who knows, the case of 'all gear and no idea' may be uplifted and i'll be a professional skier before you know it.........
One of my purchases was my own hand held whisk/blender, as requested by my employers. The realisation of my cooking ability hit due to the small fact I wasn't sure what one even looked like. This spurred me to organise a dinner party for friends and family to test it all out next week (What was I thinking?!).
Stay tuned for an update from yours truly - a supposed skier extraordinaire and domestic goddess combined.
P.S. 2 weeks and 3 days until I'm in the alps!

that looks great fun sophie, I hope your ski season goes well with all that gear :) and please do keep us posted